Sarah ODell

Full-Stack Software Engineer

Here to 'develop' your dreams into reality.


Hello, World!

I'm Sarah, a full-stack software engineer with a background in fast-paced industries like tax and recruiting. In addition to my development knowledge, I bring professionalism, a strong work ethic, and curiosity. I like to know how things work and am always looking for ways to expand my knowledge.

It’s computer work, but it’s still about working with people. I'm here to connect the client to their customers and deliver my best work.


Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python

Frameworks & Libraries: jQuery, Node.js, Express, EJS, Mongoose, Bootstrap, React, Flask, PeeWee

Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL

Tools: Git, GitHub, Sublime, Node, NPM, Postman, pgAdmin, Heroku



card game project

A WIP ticket system using Python Flask and React. It also uses PostgreSQL and is only going to get better.

Enchanting The Huddle

card game project

A turn-based card game where the player is able to choose their character, make attacks, take potions, and ultimately to try to save an enchanted forest.

Monster Blog

card game project

A CRUD blog based off a fictional character. Used Express, Node, and Javascript. Uses user credentials and has admin capability.


© Sarah O'Dell | GitHub | LinkedIn | Email